20 November 2013

Hobgoblin rice fields

Hobgoblin rice fields, not just the local culture, but a universal culture. Long before the world know that systematic agriculture as now, farmers at the edge ancient Egypt, Nile river, in their wheat fields, to the rope that tied sepokok wood to drive the birds. Then the main timber of clothing fabrics that are given to imposing human movement when digerak move with a rope. In the next period, the farmers install the statue of the Greek bersenjatakan wood stick and sickle. In the next period again, the farmers install Roman statues guard the deity in their fields, and whereas a successful harvest of the farmers gave the Roman offerings at the foot of the statue deities of the election. Meanwhile, German farmers, in the era of later-era, at the end of winter, installing sculptures from wood witch with the belief that statues can keep spirits spirits-winter to spring comes quickly. In the field witch statue is useful as memedi manuk and German farmers call Vogelscheuchen. Japan to give farmers in the name of the deity dummy rice fields that Sohodo-and-us. In the spring deities descend from the mountains to protect paddy fields and Sohodo-and-we will evict farmers flock gadfly.
Today the identity of farmers have started to fade and it should be abandoned to the movement awareness and concern with the various parties to rebuild the values kejuangan farmers even as a heritage for future generations. So MUSEUM TANI JAVA INDONESIA working with several government agencies and universities organized the festival memedi manuk.

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